hey, i’m kate p.


i’m kate p.perhaps we’ve already met? i’m a photographer local to alexandria, va. i’ve done multiple pop-up events over the years in the virginia and dc area, mainly instant photo booths with polaroid film. in case you couldn’t tell, i’m kind of a nostalgic person.

personally i’ve been a collector of pre-loved items for a long time. 80% of all items in my house are second hand, thrifted, found (or rescued as i like to think sometimes) and although i am a photographer, i prefer film over digital any day. why? i can’t really give you one reason, but a few are as follows:

  1. i like how things look that are not necessarily made today. i think a lot of things we can buy new today are a bit boring and don’t have the zhuz i’m looking for.

  2. i’m a nostalgic person. I often am drawn to pieces and or things that remind me of someone or a feeling from my childhood.

  3. it’s more affordable.

  4. it forces me to slow down, to think about whether or not i really want something, i often do the “meant to be philosophy” and if i think about what i am looking for before entering a thrift store and it’s there, i know it was meant to be.

  5. it reminds me of a simpler time. i’ve started collecting McDonald’s plastic plates recently (see main photo). they aren’t something we had in our house when i was growing up, but they remind me of being a kid. are they hideous? absolutely. do i love them? you better believe it. do i have big plans of using them as my fine china, without a doubt.

anyway, thanks for stopping in. i’m excited to see how this unfolds!

